Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mourdock Proposes Law Making Women Chattel; Men Will Make Decisions for Weaker Sex

Stating that it is obvious that women are not capable of making their own decisions, Indiana Republican Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock has stated that when elected his first act will be to introduce legislation once again classifying women as chattel -- that is personal property.

"In Biblical times, women were considered property," Mourdock stated in his press release. "It was God's will in those times, and God's will doesn't change," Mourdock's Press Release announce.

The bill will be co-sponsored by Republican Senate Candidate from Missouri Larry "Legitimate Rape" Akin.

"Women have shown they don't understand things.  They want equal pay. They don't recognize the differences involved in legitimate rape.  They don't appreciate the blessings of rape that results in pregnancy," the press release stated.

Mourdock further explained his basis for the proposed legislation.  "It's obvious that women are not mature enough to make their own decisions and need to have decisions made for them.  If I was raped and pregnant, I would certainly look at it as a precious gift and a miracle from God."

"I have believe we need a return to the system which was used for centuries and once again declare that women are personal property - chattel"

 Tina Fey's response: "If I have to listen to one more gray-faced man with a two-dollar haircut explain to me what rape is, I’m gonna lose my mind!”

No wonder Mourdock doesn't want women like that having control over their own decisions.

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